Exhibitor Information:
(Exhibition Buildings are open Thursday-Saturday from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Sunday from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.)
- All Beef and Dairy Herds, Sheep and all 4-H Livestock, including 4-HÂ Llamas and Goats must be on the grounds by 8:30 A.M. Thursday and remain until 6:00 PM Sunday.
- Open Beef and Dairy, Sheep and Goat Shows open & 4-H will be open to all Maine and New Hampshire Counties.
- Entries of Handicraft, Art, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables and Farm Displays will be received on Tuesday from 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., and on Wednesday from 9:00 A.M. to Noon.
- The 4-H Hall Exhibits must be in the building by 7:00 P.M. Tuesday.
- Grange Agricultural and Domestic Exhibits must be in place by 8:00 P.M. Tuesday. Judging will begin at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday.
- ALL livestock entries, including pulling and show animals, should be sent to the superintendent of the department you are entering by August 1, with your certificate of $1,000,000.00 liability insurance.
- ALL 4-H Livestock entries should be sent to the extensions office at 15 Oak St, Suite 302, Springvale, Maine 04083, by August 1, And to the superintendent of the show you are entering in by August 1, with your certificate of $1,000,000.00 liability insurance or copy of the M A L E enrollment card.
- Late entries will be received only by permission of the person in charge, but no entries can be received after the judging of that class starts.
- All Exhibits must be in place and in full display until 6:00 P.M., Sunday, unless special permission of the Superintendent of that Department is granted.
- Handicrafts will not be available for pickup until 7:00PM Sunday.
- The Association will not be responsible for any exhibits not claimed by 8:00 P.M., Sunday.
- The Association will not be responsible for any typographical or printing errors.
Premium List Rules:
- No Pets, Service Animals Only Allowed on the Fairgrounds.
- If entries are received in excess of the accommodations available, the management reserves the right to reject entries at its discretion.
- All exhibits must be entered in the name of the owner
- Exhibits will be accepted from residents of York County only, except otherwise provided in Premium Book.
- Horses exhibited and each herd of cattle exhibited must be represented in the parade on track unless special permission is granted, otherwise, the premiums will be withheld.
- Dairy products, fruits, vegetables and domestic articles must have been made or raised by the exhibitors thereof.
- Exhibitors will have the right to sell their exhibits, but same must not be removed during the Fair. Violation of this rule will be sufficient grounds for withholding all premiums awarded.
- No premiums will be awarded unless the article is meritorious.
- Objective exhibits of any kind will not be allowed on the grounds.
- Although the Society takes special precautions for the safety of all exhibits after they are placed on exhibition, it will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur either to or by them.
- The law against liquor selling and gambling will be strictly enforced.
- The management does not anticipate that it will necessary to prorate or defer the premiums, but if on account of weather, failure to receive State Aid, or other causes beyond its control there not being sufficient available funds, the association reserves the right to do so.
- All Exhibits should be in place and in full display until 6:00PM. Sunday. All Exhibits should be removed before 8:00PM Sunday.
- The association will not be responsible for any typographical errors. Premium lists and other information can be obtained through the Secretary: Roxanne Bumford 88 Milton Mills Road Lebanon, Maine 04027 (207)457-2117